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Diabetes has been with humans from times unknown. We realise this from the mention of the chronic disease in our ancient Ayurvedic texts. While Diabetes mellitus is the scientific name, Diabetes is also known as Madhumeha in Ayurveda. The ancient treatise - Charaka Samhita, Sushruta Samhita, Ashtanga Sangraha, Madhava Nidana, Yoga Ratnakara etc. describe the disease in depth. Not only that, but they also guide the Ayurvedic practitioner to treat them effectively.
Ayurveda focuses on identifying the root cause of the problem and then provides a holistic treatment to addresses the same. The Ayurvedic treatment for diabetes follows a similar approach. The best Ayurvedic treatment for diabetes in India involves-

Root Cause/s

The ancient Ayurvedic treatise spells out that variations in one of the three fundamental nature of a human body - Vata, Pitta, Kapha can cause diabetes. The changes in the same are caused because of bad eating habits and a sedentary lifestyle. So one has to avoid:

Stages and Treatment

Any treatment in Ayurveda begins by detoxifying the body. The purification process helps the medicine work better and treat the actual root cause.
Pre-diabetic and Initial Stages: In the initial phase, Ayurvedic treatment for diabetes involves oral intake of herbal medicines to prevent further increase in blood sugar levels along with diet and lifestyle management. The herbal medication significantly controls the risk of organ damages and reduce dependency on insulin tablets and injections.
Chronic Diabetes: Chronic diabetes mellitus Ayurvedic treatment focuses on reducing the dosage of insulin. The core of the treatment focuses on managing blood sugar levels and keeping metabolism high. Ayurvedic doctors prescribe special herbs and Rasayanas to reinvigorate the body to avoid complications arising due to the condition.
Advance stage: The Ayurvedic treatment for sugar patients in an advanced stage is through customised Rasayanic treatment, diets and lifestyle modifications. If the condition is accompanied by other chronic diseases, then special attention is taken to reduce the risk of further deterioration. Often people approach Ayurvedic practitioners to receive: